
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body.

Liposuction also shapes these areas ( make a contours) thats why it is called also as a body contouring work.


The main aim of liposuction prosedure is to remove fat from areas of the body that have not responded to diet and exercises, such as the:

-Calves and ankles
-Hips amd thights
-Chest and back

Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in a specific area. The amount of fat that can be removed during the operation depends on the apperance of the area and the volume of fat. The result of contouring can be permament ( as long as your weight remains stable contour won’t change). The procedure does not remove cellulite, dimples, or stretch marks. The aim is onlyesthetic.

How the procedure is done?

During liposuction surgery a liposuction machine and special instruments called cannulas are used. The surgical team prepares the areas of your body that will be treated. Patient receives local or general anesthesia. Through a small skin incision, the fluid is injected under your skin in the areas that will be worked on. After the medicine in the solution takes effect, dislodged fat is vacuumed away through the suction tube. A vacuum pump or a large syringe provides the suction action. Several skin punctures may be needed to treat large areas.

The surgeon may approach the areas to be treated from different directions to get the best contour. After the fat is removed, small drainage tubes may be inserted into the defatted areas to remove blood and fluid that collects during the first few days after surgery. If you lose a lot of fluid or blood during the surgery, you may need fluid replacement (intravenously). In very rare, cases, a blood transfusion is needed. A compression garment will be placed on you.

Who can have liposuction surgery?

Liposuction is of the most benefit to patients who are at or near their ideal weight (within 30%) but still, have disproportionate localized deposits of fat that exercise and dieting are not reducing.
An ideal liposuction candidate will also have good skin elasticity and muscle tone. In fact, if a patient has already lost a significant amount of weight and has a lot of loose hanging skin, liposuction may only worsen those problems.

Liposuction isn’t recommended for people under 18 years old and for those who have conditions that could complicate surgery, including restricted blood flow, coronary artery diesease, diabetes, a weak immune system, morbid obesity, collagen diseases, a hernia (those with an umbilical or an inguinal hernia).

What is recovery period after liposuction?

Depending on the extent of the liposuction, patients are generally able to return to work between two days and two weeks.

A compression garment which can easily be removed by the patient is worn for two to four weeks; this garment must have elasticity and allow for use of bandages. If non-absorbable sutures are placed, they will be removed after five to ten days.

Any pain is controlled by a prescription or over-the- counter medication, and may last as long as two weeks, depending on the particular procedure.

Bruising will fade after a few days or maybe as long as two weeks later.

Swelling will subside in anywhere from two weeks to two months, while numbness may last for several weeks.

Normal activity can be resumed anywhere from several days to several weeks afterwards, depending on the procedure. The final result will be evident anywhere from one to six months after surgery, although the patient will see noticeable difference within days or weeks, as swelling subsides.

What can be the possible risks after surgery?

Liposuction carries risks such as bleeding and a reaction to anesthesia.

Possible complications may include:

-The more fat aspirates are removed, the more the amount of fluid and blood is lost from the body. For this reason, when the average of 3-4 litres of fat aspiration is done, you may need to take blood and plasma supplements from the outside. In this case, your stay period in the hospital may be longer.

-Hematoma due to bleeding in the applied area and associated water retention, and long-lasting bruises. This situation can be corrected and prevented by the early intervention of your doctor.

-After the surgery skin might look like bumpy, wavy or withered. All of those changes can be permament but the damage beneath skin from the thin tube that is used during the operation might give the skin permament spotted apperance.

-The collection of serous fluid in a liposuctioned area may be due to excessive tissue trauma, following aggressive oversuctioning of a single area with extensive breaking of the fibrous tissue network leading to a single cavity formation or it may be due to significant damage to the lymphatics. Usually they dissappear after some time but this fluid might need to be drained with a needle under sterile conditions followed by compression dressings.

-Internal puncture. A cannula that penetrates too deeply might puncture an internal organ. This might require emergency surgical repair.

-Permanent loss of sensation in the region as a result of damage to the sensory nerves in the region of application.

-Fat embolism. During the operation is performed pieces of loosened fat might break away and become trappened in a blood vessel and gather in the lungs or travel to the brain. A fat embolism is a medical emergency.

-The occurrence of infection after liposuction is fortunately very rare. The most common local cause of such infection is the presence of a haematoma in the subcutaneous tissues with secondary bacterial contamination.

To decrease the risks during the operation of liposuction talk to your suregon about how this risks apply to you and share with him all of the informations about your medical history.